Cleaning of the Patacona beach and informative talk on the environment

Together with the O2 Foundation I spent Sunday morning at the Patacona beach doing several activities related to the care and preservation of the marine environment.

First we had the opportunity to attend a talk about the use of plastics, recycling and the main problems that these two present.

Once we understood what was damaging the environment, in groups we cleaned the beach looking mainly for large plastics and waste but we also learned how to remove microplastics in marked areas. 

Finally, in pairs we were able to build bird houses with 100% biodegradable material, which we could then put in our nearby parks and provide a home for the «teuladins», a species of birds that because of the construction of attics, the disappearance of roofs, and the destruction of nests, are running out of places to nest. 

It has been a morning in which I have been able to learn a lot about such a close and precious environment as the sea, the problems it has to face and how we can collaborate. It is always a good time to appreciate the place we live in. 

For more information about the activities of the O2 Foundation, click here and visit their official website.